


Sat 20 Apr - Wed 17 Apr 2024


Prices From: £16.00
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Nunsense is a hilarious talent show staged by the Little Sisters of Hoboken nunnery, the rest of the sisterhood having succumbed to botulism after eating vichyssoise prepared by Sister Julia.

The remaining perform a variety show staged to raise funds so that the last four of the dearly departed can be buried. The score pulses with merriment and an unabashed desire to make you laugh. Amid the merriment is a riotous audience participation quiz that has everyone rolling in the aisles.

A non-professional studio production by PBTC.  Performed in the Alex Wilding Studio.

Seating Layout – Studio

*Rows A & B are on the floor, Row C is raised by 15cm, Rows D, E & F are 30cm off the ground and Rows G, H & J are 45cm off the ground*



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